Enrollment & Withdrawal
Dothan High School
Student Enrollment & Withdrawal Procedures
Please click the link below to print and complete the enrollment forms and instructions. If you are unable to print the forms, please email the DHS registrar, Mrs. Waters, to arrange a time to pick up the forms. Completed forms may be scanned and emailed to Mrs. Waters (ktwaters@dothan.k12.al.us).
You will find the Dothan City Schools Code of Student Conduct here
You will find the Dothan City Schools Lunch Form here.
A $20 technology fee is due at the completion of student enrollment.
Online Enrollment for 2023-2024 School Year
Dothan City Schools offers online enrollment for the 2023-2024 school year, beginning with returning students. Students will be given letters snapcodes when online enrollment begins. If your student does not have a unique snapcode, please continue to use the instructions above for enrollment.
Please print and complete the withdrawal form to withdraw your student from Dothan High School. If you are unable to print the form and instructions, please email the DHS registrar, Mrs. Waters, to arrange a time to pick up the form. Completed forms may be emailed to Mrs. Waters (ktwaters@dothan.k12.al.us). Please include a copy of the parent/guardian driver's license. After we receive a records request from the receiving school, we will withdraw your student and mail all paperwork to the receiving school. Please note that all outstanding fees must be paid before records will be sent.